12 Years of Houston Housing Market

12 Years of Houston Housing Market.

On one occasion, I did a market study taking data from sold properties going 3 years back. That was around this time in 2019. During my study, I discovered that I had no decent way or graphics to present all that data.

With all that has happened in the past 2 years, I started to think about how a linear graph will look like in terms of the Houston Housing Market. We all know that the past year and a half has been a very hot market; mostly because the interest rates have been low. Buyers kept taking advantage of those low rates, inventory was kept low because materials and labor went up and the supply chain got somehow disabled.

The Houston housing market almost doubled in value in 12 years with a 98.25% increase. And even though average prices in the last quarter of 2021 decline just a bit, the total picture clearly shows that the uptrend is not going anywhere.

The trend is obvious and the projections for upcoming years do not look like they're going down. The only factor that I can think of; the interest rates going up and any grants given by the government, finishing or taken away. But I think this is going to happen in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2022.

These factors contributed to the housing market having the all-time high average for a single month in history; JUNE 2021, the highest with an average price of $399,510. That was an increase of 21.4% compared with JUNE 2020. See video below.